This year's challenge:
- Your script must be no more than 5 pages long (6 including the cover page)
- The entire film is set in one place - the kitchen.
- You must use industry standard formatting.
- There are three characters: Anna, Mike and Hank.
- Anna wants something from Mike, but there's no way Mike is giving it away.
That's your brief. You can only use those three characters - and at some point, Anna is going to need something from Mike that he won't be giving (it could be sex, a monkey, a wedding ring, who knows, it's up to you!)
Be creative, be imaginative, be daring, and get your script in by December 2nd 2009.
By submitting you agree for your screenplay to be shared with readers of the KITFW blog. I will read every script sent to me.
There will be three awards:
Best Screenplay
Funniest Screenplay
Most Original Screenplay
(note: Just because their is a 'funniest' category, the script doesn't have to be comedy)
Entry is free, although you are welcome to make a donation via the PayPal on the left hand side of this blog -- that way I could treat myself to an ice cream whilst reading through all the scripts, and maybe get a nice award for the Best Screenplay winner.
Please share the competition around. The more people who enter, the more prestigious it is. Would you rather be the best out of 3 scripts or out of 30?
Any questions, please contact me via email, or pop a question in the comments.
(if you have never written a screenplay before - this is a great opportunity to try)
What are "industry standards"
ReplyDeleteSounds intriguing
Thanks for the support on my blog!
ReplyDeleteWill spread the word about your fun contest, as well.
Fun Joel - thanks, I'd really appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteVodka - industry scripts are written in a particular format. Just take a look at any published script and you'll get a good idea - it's basically just how you label and set a scene, how dialogue is written, etc. If you're not a screenwriter but want to get involved, please email me - I can forward some links and tips and things :)
Wow. It actually sounds like a lot of fun. I know shit about writing scripts, but depending on this format business...I might try it. Research time.