As most of you will know, Sunday is an important day for billions of people all around the world. That's right, Sunday is traditionally known through many cultures as
the day of the movies. Whenever possible, it is important to rest on a Sunday and watch as many films as possible. This will make sure that you are adequately rested, refreshed and inspired for the week ahead.
Today I managed to watch four films. I have provided a screenshot of each film. If you think you can identify each film then email me your answers ASAP. On Monday morning I will be selecting a correct entrant at random - who will be sent SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION on DVD.

Please send your answers to the email address below. Even if you only recognize two or three of the films, feel free to enter; as people don't always get these things right.
Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless-Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them....