Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Feedback: Creative Stuckness

Re: Creative Stuckness.

DONNA: You know, I post comments on blogs sometimes all day long. I can't tell you how impressed I am that you not only replied, but replied with style and content and sincerity. I don't know how long it might take me to finish my novel, but I will eventually. I promise myself that. BUT, thanks to your reply, I got a little motivation and actually finished a children's book I've been playing around with for months. Yeah, it needs work and I'll have to talk my 19 year old daughter into doing some illustrations for me, but I'm excited about it and it motivated me to start thinking about my novel again, so thanks. From the bottom of my heart.

LUCKY PUNK - I love your advice on Nothing Time, and also your kind responses to everyone. It would be so easy to be cruel and horribly funny about people's procrastination problems, but you chose to be actually helpful...

Care to share?

Monday, 6 February 2012

Film Pitching With My Friend Carl

THE KID and CARL are walking through the snow covered city streets.

I have a film I really want to make. 

Go on. 

It's like a typical rom-com. Ashton Kutcher and, uhh-- I dunno, who's a typical rom-com girl? Anna Faris?

Who is that?

How about -- um.... 


Jenny who?

What are we talking about?

My film idea. Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl. 

Sounds like a good idea. 

I haven't given you the idea yet. 


It's a typical rom-com. Heigl works for a publisher in New York. Kutcher is in the music business. And Heigl is telling her friend about her dating woes. 

What is the friend's name?


Great name. 

It's a typical rom-com, totally normal, set in New York, and Heigl is explaining her dating problems to Jenny. 

Did she text you back?


That girl.

I'm trying to tell you my film idea. 

I thought you were finished. 

Totally normal rom-com. Broad comedy, blandly lit --- and then, 14 minutes in, the best friend ---

(cutting in)

Gets kidnapped. There's a big struggle and she's kidnapped. And then it's not mentioned for the rest of the movie. 

I like it. 

The rom-com carries on as normal -- I mean, there was an unfortunate kidnapping, so Heigl loses her buddy, but it carries on as if nothing happened, never brought up again -- totally conventional rom-com, apart from the 14th minute. 

Did she text you back?



OR----- normal rom-com, totally as expected -- and then 54 minutes in, Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl get kidnapped. So the story ends there. 

And it cuts to credits? 

No. We get thirty minutes of board meetings in the publishing house, and stuff happening at the record company.

Just everyday office stuff. 

But with no lead characters -- just their workplaces, going about things without them. But the story ended--

On the 54th minute. 


Why didn't she text you back?

She never texts me back. 

I think that means she likes you. 

When I pitch the film idea, I'll leave out the parts about the kidnapping. 

It's snowing again.

Oh is that what it is?


Care to share?

Name Dropping

I met with a producer today. He's raising money for a project. He dropped every name under the sun, and even used the phrase, "I'm good friends with Harvey Weinstein." Did he really think he'd get away with that? 

Apparently Gary Oldman is attached to the project, and Megan Fox is interested. 

Yet he was looking at me to invest money. 

I don't have any money. And the business partner I was with has precious little as well.

So how to inspire us?

Name dropping is not how we roll. 

But I got a real insight. Because this is how it's done. People buy into it. You say "We have Bill Nighy attached," and when production begins, it doesn't matter that he's not there, because the investors fell for it. There's always the "unforeseen scheduling conflict" excuse further down the line. 

You can share huge passion about your project, but that means nothing compared to saying that David Beckham will be attending your premiere.

It's amazing to me how excited people get by name dropping. You might think it's about legitimacy, about showing people serious industry names are involved, but that's rarely it. It's more about feeling like you're in the loop, that you'll get to be at the cool table.

Something happens in the brain at the promise of a celebrity. The neuroscience guys should study this. People lose all reason.

Having established names in your film helps in numerous ways, that's undeniable. What I'm talking about, is those people you have a meeting with who, without prompting, reel off a list of A-list actors and producers who are clambering to be involved in their project. 

Anyone with any sense can smell it a mile off, yet still these fools permeate the industry. Why? Well, probably because they're not fools at all, because the name dropping, much to my chagrin, seems to completely work.

You don't have to know Harvey Weinstein. You don't need Megan Fox's number stored in your phone. You just have to pretend, it'll impress people. 

Care to share?

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Creative Stuckness, Continued..

TONJA: For me, it's just family, the mommy-gig, getting in the way finding time to write and keeping up my momentum on writing projects. On the other hand, the pressure of having only a few hours a week to write definitely moves me forward. I don't waste those hours.

Tonja, first of all; it sounds like you're doing really well! For so many, the 'Mommy-gig' is the death of their writing pursuits. "I would have been a writer but...", or "When the kids grow up, then maybe I'll...".

You should give yourself a huge pat on the back for still being a part of the game! You write when you can, you read sites like these that are linked to your work. Do you give yourself the credit you deserve for all this?

The hardest thing for nearly all writers, is discipline. It seems that you have it, because you know your writing time is precious and short. Maybe try and develop that a bit more -- try to find a time of day, or certain day of the week, when you'll focus your energy on the writing, and then dedicate yourself to it. 

But it sounds like you're doing better than you think. 

BRUCE: I'm getting more ideas lately for things to write about but I have a problem with getting distracted. If I can just finish this level on a game I'm playing. If I can finish this movie I started watching last night. 

The real problem is I need to commit to sitting down to write more often and I'd like an editor to go over my work. I'm too wordy and I need help getting my point out in a shorter fashion. HELP!

Bruce, I totally get this. 

Firstly, the distractions. Allow yourself to be distracted! Say "This next hour will be for the distractions!" --- indulge in it... watch half a movie, flick around on Facebook, snack on food, text your friends, do all that nonsense; but do it willingly and happily, not guiltily, not like you should be doing better. This is your NONSENSE TIME! 

Also, find time to relax! Turn everything off and listen to your favourite album or watch a film you love, but dedicate yourself to completing it. NO DISTRACTIONS FROM IT, even if it's painful. Even if your brain begs you. Get through it. 

Have some NOTHING time. Sit in a room, put a countdown alarm on for ONE HOUR. Sit, breath, think. DO NOT write, do NOT record any ideas you have, no matter how good they are (during this nothing time, even writing ideas are distractions!). 

---- And, as a separate exercise; have your writing time, your creativity time. Dedicate yourself to seeing it through, do not succumb to distractions. 

The reason for all these different things I've mentioned? We get CAUGHT up in ambition so much so that we refuse to rest. We NEED rest, so we keep trying to rest and be distracted. But whenever we do, we feel guilty, so we force creativity. It doesn't last long, because we're so TIRED!. 

We need to dedicate to each stage of creative life. CREATIVITY, REST, NONSENSE, etc -- they all play a part! Do each of them CONSCIOUSLY and purposefully. 

Neuroscience is proving that the brain follows patterns of behaviour, habits. If we have a habit of getting distracted, we'll keep doing it and doing it and nothing will change.

Break that pattern. Decide what to do, consciously, and stick to it, see it through. The more you do, the easier it'll get. 

DANIEL: Ok, for me it's that I've got loads of writing, which I really WANT to do and am doing, but I also feel I OUGHT to be making short films (which I don't feel passionate about doing right now). So I am worried that if I just carry on with the writing and don't do any directing for a bit, I'll 'miss out' on some directing practice.

Who is the voice of this 'OUGHT'? Is it the wisdom you've heard from a director you admire, or a screenwriting book you read? Why does this voice have so much authority? Question it! And then see what resonates with you. You could make fifty films but how good will they be if you don't know how to write good scripts? Learning comes from all places, it's all relevant and valid. If your juice is getting going for the writing, then do the writing! 

Before you know it, the directing bug will be back and you'll do three short films in a month or something crazy like that. Go where the river is flowing! 

DONNA: Oh wow, there's a lot. I think all artists go through dry spells, not sure there's any real "cure" for that, other than time, patience and willpower. For me it's lack of focus and my own insecurities. When I finally do sit down and write, I keep going back over it tweaking and trying to make it better until I convince myself it's not good at all.

Dry spells would be fine, if only we'd be okay with them. Instead we fight them and get grumpy and think about quitting. Enjoy the process!

Lack of focus is a big one. I think it's often linked to what I wrote about BRUCE'S problem, about the mind being in too many places at once. You often need to step away to get focus, indulge in the things that are affecting your clarity. 

The important thing with writing; is to get the thing written! Go full steam ahead and save the criticism for much later. There's no rule that says your 1st draft must be golden. It's allowed to be awful! You've just to get to the other side, get through it. Otherwise you'll keep re-wording and re-drafting forever and ever. 

Insecurities affect every artist I know, whether they're starting out with short films or directing Hollywood blockbusters. It's part of being creative. If you're not insecure, your art probably isn't that interesting. 

Make sure you remind yourself of your successes. Of how you're better prepared and qualified than you were two years ago, or ten years ago. Creativity is a process that takes time, it has many ups and downs, we just need to hold on to why we started a project and why we want to finish. 

Re: convincing yourself it's no good at all. Compared to what? Compared to your favourite writing? Compared to what you think you're capable of? Or compared to what a friend/parent/partner thinks? Figure out who you're writing for, who the judge is (in your mind), then tell them to back off! It's just writing, it's art, and we only write well when there's an element of fun and energy to it. 

Go Where The River Is Flowing! My new catchphrase!

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Saturday, 4 February 2012

New Perspectives on Creative Stuckness

I want to try a bit of an experiment.

Every writer, director and actor that I know; they all suffer blocks which render them creatively impotent from time to time. Inner criticism, money issues, sinking passion, lack of clarity, etc. It happens to everyone. I've had five friends this week sharing such problems.

I am asking you, the reader, if perhaps you may want to share some of your current issues which are affecting you're creativity, either by leaving a comment here or by emailing me.

I'm hoping that two things will happen. 1) We will realise how similar we all are, how these disturbances are a common element of living a creative life, and 2) That either myself, or other readers, will be able to help give you a new perspective on your work or the things troubling you, that will help you in some way.

If it's too personal, feel free to contact me anonymously. I'm certain we all have more in common than we realise. Are you struggling to focus on your writing? Are you making excuses to avoid auditions? Did you lose the confidence of the actors on your set? Whatever it is, please share!

Care to share?